Welcome to the SuperDARN 2021 Workshop

Welcome to the 2021 SuperDARN workshop, hosted by the South African National Space Agency. This is a virtual feast of the newest, latest and most exciting results and developments from the best global radar network in the solar system. Whilst we are forced by circumstance to meet virtually, there are some advantages too such as no jet lag. We of course hope to resume physical meetings in the near future and plan to invite you back to South Africa when this becomes possible. In the meantime, please enjoy what is on offer and use the chat function to interact with the authors (real time not required). You are all invited to the open real time session on Friday 28 May at 12:00 UTC where we will also make some announcements and give out some spoon awards.

– Judy and Mike –

The antenna array of the South African Digital HF Radar that is located at the South African National Antarctic Expedition base, SANAE IV, in Antarctica.